
Have you ever heard of the Halo skin laser treatment? This is a skin rejuvenation laser that’s both non-invasive and has little to no downtime. As described on the New Look New Life website, this laser “uses a dual wavelength process that also includes a cooling system to ensure complete comfort through out the treatment”. This machine helps to fix multiple skin issues such as sunspots, sun damage and my personal issue of acne scars. To minimize discomfort during this procedure, I was offered Ibuprofen and numbing cream. Dr. Elena Vega, a cosmetic surgeon, performed the procedure. She divided my face into four quadrants and guided the laser over each for approximately fifteen minutes. The entire treatment took about one hour. Post treatment, I was given an ice pack and an aloe vera mask. Although everyone’s skin reacts differently to this laser, my skin became very red. However, a few days later, the treated skin began to flake, revealing a smoother texture and an overall healthier appearance. The happy ending was that my acne scars were dramatically diminished. I encourage you to go to visit New Look New Life and consult with Dr. Elena Vega and her team regarding your own skin issues.

Taylor Camp