Koru Wellness Aesthetics

It might be TMI, but the excess hair on my back causes breakouts. So, to treat both problems at once, I recently had a laser hair removal service at Koru Wellness Aesthetics. Dr. Vivian Chin was very attentive to my concerns and she often uses a combination of treatments to provide her patients with the best results. 

To begin my treatment, Dr. Chin shaved my back and shoulder areas and applied a gel to the entire area. Then, she rolled a Rohrer Aesthetics laser across the four quadrants of my back. The laser was set to an 810-DIODE, which features a larger spot laser area combined with a built-in cooling system. The treatment took approximately 45 minutes and, unlike other laser treatments in the past, this one was completely painless. After the treatment was finished, a repair balm was applied to the skin. And although it was temporarily red, my skin felt much smoother. Dr. Chin told me that in the following weeks I might see ingrown hairs show up on my back but so far I haven’t seen any.  

Koru offers a variety of other laser and skin services and I’m confident that you will be as pleased with your results as I am. She offers both online appointment booking to make your scheduling easy and complimentary consultations. Thank you Dr. Chin and Koru Wellness Aesthetics!

Taylor Camp